Tattoo progress picture

Apr 09, 2007 23:33

This entry contains the least assy ass picture I could take of my ass and it's still very obviously my ass, but a lot less assacious than the other shots, so deal with it.

Here's a shot from my 2/23/07 session for reference:

(click thumbnails for full size)'s an extreme closeup of a bit of the latest work (4/6/07) 'scuse the lighting; my butt can block out the sun:

No picture I take can do justice to the amazing color Aaron added. The blues and lavenders glow.

..and here are a couple shots from my very first session (2/23/06) that really capture how much more work I need before all of it is colored:

Even after it's colored, Aaron needs to go back over and texturize everything. I have about 4 hours set aside on 4/25 to tackle a little more and I hope to be done with this project (and have my forearms started) by the end of July and not go broke or dent my budding savings.
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