Amest Gakuen #4

Jul 06, 2007 07:28

Meh, I couldn't sleep last night anyway....-_-'

Amest Gakuin #4 - 07-06-07

- today's class representative is...Minami! He's wearing glasses and everything! aw~
- they're all wearing the same shirts again! >_<
- okay...Kato's missing today....T_T My guess is cuz he has Maberaji recordings later, but Kouhei is back! ^^
- To start off, Masei was blaming Baba for something o_O
- then the usual camera announcements and who's on what camera...
- What is the world is a "Beep Room"? o_O's where the audience stands outside the studio to watch them

- "Chattou!": getting mail from the fans outside and getting the boys to say stuff, today's is "what you want them to say before you go to sleep"
Masei: "See you later ^_^"
Baba: "Sweet dreams ^_^" (aw~!!!)
Yagami: "Meet you in my dreams ^_^" (>_<)
Minami: (they did some sort of yell before his and made him feel weird...^^;) "Good work today ^_^" (!)
Kouhei: "Good night, Hope you see my dream ^_^"
Takki: "Let's be together again tomorrow ^_^" and again for someone else (why are the other boys "embarassed"?!)
everyone: "I love you ^_^" (AHAHAHAHA!!)

- "Recess" (couldn't catch anything cuz internet was acting up...) oh...I think they're trying to hold their voice for as long as possible ^^; as I call it, "lung offs"
Kouhei did this weird verison of "Amesta~!" and lasted for a second? o_O he did it again and lasted for 16 secs
Takki: 24 secs!
Baba: 30 secs! (wow, he lasted through my stupid buffering ^^;) and Kouhei blames that since the other ones does musicals, he should be counted easier XD
Yagami: 11 secs! (one of them cut him off or something I think ^^;)
Masei: 17 secs!
Minami: (he's a lot lower than all of them XD) 22 secs! (now they shall call him Minami Nyan Keisuke with a middle name <--random, cuz apparently he started putting Nyan after his sentences XD)

- "Brush-up!" (the Nyan thing is actually kinda weird and cute at the same time...^^;) They have to write something...oh, I think it's some sort of cool or interesting fact...and while they're writing, Minami entertains the people outside with the two Ameba dolls (stop with the Nyan! >_<)
Takki: "(some sort of quote for Mereeze? that I don't know...)"
Kouhei: "Jentonniku was mato moto osake de was nai!"
Yagami: "some character and some other character are borthers (something like that...^^;;)" and he even drew pictures for it XD
Masei: "(something about your forfingers can't come apart if you middle fingers are down together, it's actually pretty cool *did it with them :D* Baba was going crazy cuz he couldn't do it XD;;)"
Baba: "(something about massages for 3 minutes?)"
And apparently the people outside liked Baba's best ^_^ Does Baba know how to do massage too? ^^

- "Homeroom" where they answer questions from fanletters
- first one was either about "what do you do to stay cool" or "how do you conquor your cold" ...@_@ my internet suddenly decides to not like Amest studio and will not show me the entire thing anymore....
- second was "what do you do when you can't get to sleep (?)"
Masei: I have a good bath
- And then they went on a rant about how they wash and dry their hair...^^;; they sound like girls...XD But what does this have to do with not being able to sleep?!

- Lucky Number! (like I said, my internet kept screwing up so I missed the number too...T_T)

- alright, skip to the ending! -_- (at this point, I have given up and ended up watching the last part on Camera 3 where it only focuses on Baba, Takki, and Yagami and was distracted by their prettiness)
Baba: *who has been using his mike like a hand mike as everyone pointed out* he's sad cuz he haven't been picked by a fan in Lucky Number (aw~ I'll definately pick him if I were ever to get there! which will be never ^^;)
Takki: It was fun...Ba-chon is quiet for once...XD
Yagami: Minami's Nyan was funny/weird...
Masei: *saying something, but Yuu-chan was being distracted by the prettiness and dorkiness of Baba to pay attention *shot**
Kouhei: ...something...(I'm sorry!) >.>
Minami: Thanking everyone while adding Nyan to everything! XD

OMG STUPID INTERNET >_x It was acting up by the second half and I ended up missing most of the last quarter or so. So obviously, the review will be in bits and pieces -_-.... *bangs head on table* if you do this again, comp, I'm gonna have to whack you! >_<

But since I was on Camera 3 for the last 6 minutes, I got to watch Baba and Takki being dorks in the corner while everyone was saying their good-bye messages. They were hunched over their mikes and...I have no idea what they were doing but it was funny looking! After they got caught once, they started doing it again but this time Yagami joined them too XD Then Yagami was also caught and told, "Ah! Ouji's doing it too! Don't mix yourself with them!" lol!! Everytime they got caught, Baba would come up with this innocent looking face and go, "What?"

Today they stuck the two hyper ones in the corner again, but they weren't as hyper as last time, except at the end ^^;; Oh boys...:D But I gotta say, if they were in school together, Baba would definately be the kind of kid who's always getting caught doing pranks and getting in trouble with the teacher <--totally biased ^^

Maa, maybe I'll have better luck next week? T_____T

If anyone knows about the parts that I missed, then that'd be greatly appreciated! ^_^ 
*crawls back to bed*


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