Feb 10, 2010 23:56
I've never liked John Mayer, as he's rather hideous-looking and his voice sounds like he's singing during some kind of stroke. Also his tongue seems to be constantly flopping half out of his mouth. Bleh. But I just read about this whole Playboy thing where he says his cock is a white supremacist... and so the fuck what? Is it racist now to not be attracted to someone not of your race or is it only racist to say it out loud? I guess only the latter, since everyone has preferences and most of them only operate within their own race. Added to that, loads of guys like blonde chicks with breast implants, so does that make them bigoted against natural boobs and brunettes?
Obviously, this wouldn't be nearly a shit-storm if some black performer said he didn't date white chicks. The reason this is obvious is because it happens all the fucking time. I can't count the times I've heard a black man or woman saying they "only date sistas/brothas" and shit like that. Nobody gives a shit and it never makes the news. It's only a big deal because you make it a big fucking deal. Does all this over-sensitive shit actually help anyone to live in harmony with his fellow, different-colored man? Of course not. It only increases tensions because everyone's worried about offending everyone else and angry about the preferential treatment. Or at least you're worried if you're white about offending blacks because of course blacks can't be racist. *Scoff*
Of course the problem with Mayer isn't that he was accidentally honest, because I'd probably have started liking him a little after this interview. The problem is that his balls are now shrinking back into his body and he's apologizing profusely. Never apologize to these people. I fucking hate public apologies to the stupid fucking public who only get offended because they eat up the drama. Grow a fucking pair and say "I don't give a shit what you think of me, I stand by what I said." Then throw in a cursory shout of "Nigger!" even if what you said wasn't race-related just for good measure. Hah! I might just have to get famous myself and say honest things that people find offensive and then not apologize for it, because this caving-to-the-masses crap is pathetic.
Oh oh, and saying "the n-word" instead of the n-word itself is fucking pathetic and I really wish we could shoot in the face anyone who says it because intent means nothing to these people; only the words themselves and never the meaning behind them. If someone calls a white person a "cracker," do we get to refer to the incident later by saying, "He used the c-word"? If I call a man a gook, is that "the g-word"? Why is it only "nigger" that's the most horrible thing in the world to say when all the other racial epithets are fine to spell out completely? Oh I know why, it's because it's marketed that way.
the public sucks,
john mayer,
i hate everything