Nov 06, 2004 00:19
well i had an amazing time at the show. i have so much to say about it but right now i really have to get something off my chest. i am really fuckin sick of people who have met me only a few times or not even at all, talking to me with a fucking attitude, like they know me. i am so sick of people giving me that shit about how badly they want to see me but not to tell anyone because their friends dont like me. or when i run into people i used to be friends with, they act like i dont exist. well, fuck that. i dont need it. and i am so sick of people lying. all the stupid kids i know who are so in love but they lie to each other nonstop about everything to save themselves, its really fucking disgusting and pathetic- this rant wasnt really directed to anyone specifically, just lots of things i have encountered in the past couple weeks.
not like anyone reads my livejournal but i ran into an old friend of mine tonight. he acted like he was so embarrased that i was there and had the nerve to say hi. wow, excuse me.
yeah i am bitch. people get offended easily by me and either hate me or love me. or lie about it. if i am so in the way, then dont talk about me, dont even think about me, pretend i dont exist. last year, during ninth grade, i was a horrible person, maybe i still am. but i used to go on huge tantrums and rants and make everyone around me feel yucky. now that my medicine is regulated, i m doing so well. i dont have moodswings and in general, i am a very relaxed human being. all these people i used to be friends with who i dont talk to anymore, still think i am this insane, angry person. jeez, people have so much to learn, its really sad. no one can just keep their mouth shuts about who they think i ve become or what i should be to make their story sound more convincing.
oh wait, you know what...i dont care. these people arent anything to me. theyre just talking about me to make their lives/stories more exciting, dramatic or for their favor. they are spreading rumors because they have nothing else to say. i wish people would get some class and just relax. we're not in sixth grade anymore, we ve grown up, we ve matured, so fucking act like it. i dont know why all these incidents are pissing me off so much. maybe its because how far off these stories are haha.