George & Maria

Nov 02, 2004 20:43

George loves her
And he takes her picture while her back is turned
They sit on his father’s bed and watch the ceiling fan spin
They are too nervous to look at each other, of course,
So they lie there, with their feet dancing against each other
And hoping the drinks kick in.

Maria will see if he’s looking at her
Using the corner of her eyes.
Her veins show through her skin
Like maps to her heart /he wants to run his fingers along them.
His father’s room smells like old spice and dirty socks
But the bed holds her so still.

A river fills and George wishes he hadn’t let her down
He watches her face on the reflection of the fan,
Looking for him in her eyes
But the fan was dusty and he couldn’t make it out.

The blankets that cover Maria’s nose smell musty
And she wishes the walls were any other color.
She tries to shake it out of her head
but it seemed too familiar.
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