It's about us.

Jan 17, 2010 22:22

Why does it feel like just about everything is pushing you away from me?

It feels like the more I try to grasp out and reach for your hand, the more something gets in the way and pulls me further back than I originally was. Sometimes I wish to myself, that I really wouldn't mind going back to school and re-doing year 12 if it means you're still by my side.

But then it feels like that even tho this distance is becoming so big between us just feels like somehow you just don't care anymore. It just feels like I'm gradually becoming this huge burden that's just holding you down from greater and better things. It feels like ...just like ...I'm the only one who's actually noticing that we're becoming .....nothing.
You say that the only things that came out of my mouth lately is related to Arashi.

But can you really blame me?
It feels like I'm the only one participating in these conversations - and well that's ...just not all that nice. And what else am I supposed to talk about with someone who isn't really in to the conversation? I just automatically drift to my own interests. And well, lately that interest is mainly all about Arashi.


boyfriend, problems, rant, heartbreak

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