I just realised ..

Jan 14, 2010 20:35

The more I think about it ...the more I'm starting to realize that no matter what happens you're still going to be away from me. And I don't really know how to respond to something like that ...

THIS is our future so I can't be selfish and beg you to stay ...but I can't help but wanting you to.

I'm so scared that you're going to forget me, that maybe you'll find that there's another life wherever you'll be that's much better than one you've had here. Just maybe you'll see that I'm not so great after all.

I know that whatever happens, happens for a reason but it's a little heartbreaking for me to see something special like this crumble because of distance. I'm trying to stay strong and to stay positive but as each day draws closer I'm really starting to freak out.

If only I could just grab you and hold on to you forever. I really just want to be sure of everything. I want to know that this will work out between us, and that we'll still be us 20 years from now.

I don't want to miss you anymore.

scared, boyfriend, worries, future

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