
May 01, 2010 15:57

I haven't been able to blog for awhile due to workload and well, my internet being capped.

But I guess I'd just liked to address a topic that has been bothering me a lot lately. And I know it shouldn't really but I can't help but feel slightly if not very annoyed at the whole situation.

Should it really matter what I do or not do? Shouldn't you like me as myself enough that you would not feel the need to judge me about every single thing I do?

You are not me.

Hence, what right does it give you to judge me based on the actions I do?
I understand that what I did and am doing seems mean, wrong and just plain bitchy but how should that affect our friendship at all if in the end, it doesn't concern you in the slightest bit? None of you are even part of this whole situation so why would you base your view of me on the things that you hear. You don't even know what's going on. You don't know how I'm feeling or thinking, so please do not look at me like I'm making the hugest mistake in my life. Because even if I am, it is my choice and I can do whatever I want with my life.

If you're my friend, you should love me regardless. Right? Because I'd love you regardless of what you do.

annoyances, friends, them

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