(no subject)

Jul 06, 2010 22:20

Hello! It's me! And I'm actually going to continue with the Book Meme! In the post after this one, though - first let me tell you what's been going on with my life.

My vacation officially started today, and I feel good. I'm looking forward to almost two more weeks of not doing much. I also feel good about myself, for what's probably the first time this year. I've starting working out regularly again, and I wish I could just manage to *remember* that yes, it's not that much fun at first, but then it gets easier and I feel so much better. Stronger. Healthier. In control. Add to this my new haircut and hair color, and my new bra, and there I am, a happy Sophie.

Recreationally, I've mostly been reading comics and playing video games. I finally managed to finish Uncharted, and I'm almost done with Uncharted 2, and let me just say that these games are fantastic. Great plot, interesting characters, and a good mix between shooting people and solving riddles. And climbing shit. *g* (That one is a direct quote from the game.)

As for comics - well, those of you following my goodreads account may have noticed that the number of read Marvel comics has climbed up from 21 (before Captain America) to, uh, 100. (Neat!) Oh my god, that means I've read 79
trades in the last two months. I'm insane. And also not broke, thanks to my subscription to Marvel Digital. At first, I only subscribed because I'd read the first volume of Captain America on a Sunday and I am not a very patient person. But then I figured that I might as well read the comics that didn't interest me that much or that I wasn't very sure about online at first, and that has turned out to be a good strategy. I've caught up to Secret Invasion now, and I'm glad I didn't buy that one.

Comics and characters I've enjoyed most so far - apart from Brubaker's Captain America are, in no particular order:
- The entire Thor run by J. Michael Straczynski. This is so much fun and human and still manages to be epic. I cannot recommend this highly enough, seriously. (The fact that I loved this so much is why I'm going to wait and see regarding Wonder Woman, even though I'm wary of the new direction they're going.)

- Marvel Adventures: Avengers: Comics for kids are sometimes so much better! This series is so very cute and funny, and also Tony and Steve are SO MARRIED. (And the fact that there is actually fanfic set in this 'verse makes me the HAPPIEST SOPHIE OF ALL.)

- The Incredible Hercules. That one was recommended to me because I liked Thor so much, and I'm very happy I followed that recommendation. A lot of fun, even though it's a bit silly at times. But between this and Greg Rucka's and Gail Simone's Wonder Woman, Percy Jackson can go fuck off.

Daredevil by Brian Michael Bendis. I've only read the first Ultimate Collection trade, but wow, did I love it. The artwork was amazing, and the writing wasn't bad either.

- The Immortal Iron Fist by Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction. This one is an odd one because I don't know why, but, um, IkindoffellinlovewithDannyRandonfirstsight. This series is so awesome, and so is Danny, but I feel my love for him is a little irrational. Oh well! That's just the way I roll. Anyway, I usually don't give a damn about martial arts, but this is very cool, and I love the way they're connecting the past with the present.

Speaking of somewhat irrational or maybekinda disturbing crushes on fictional characters: I have the hots for Nick Fury to a degree that is actually embarrassing. And I don't know why!

What I'm missing so far are really good female characters, though. I do like Black Widow, at least when she's with Bucky (hi, this is me shipping a het pairing! That almost never happens!). And Jessica Jones seems like someone I could like, but she's been with the baby most of the time. Oh, and I do like the Young Avengers!Hawkeye.

I still don't care much for the X-Men, but I guess that's okay. I can't be excited about everything! That would probably mean the end of the world. Or there just wouldn't be any excitement left for the rest.

Ok, I'm going to stop rambling now so I can go work on that meme. Which I will see through to the end! I promise.
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