I mentioned yesterday that my colleague gave me a big bag of Georgette Heyer novels. Now, the thing is that some of these books are at least as old as I am, and the covers, frankly, are *brilliant*. Brillantly hideous, and it totally shows that those were different times for booksellers.
See for yourselves! )
Comments 9
And well, I guess it comes with the job? Sometimes publisher's are so weird when it comes to their cover art: you read the book and think, that book is awesome, but you could never tell looking at the cover. Some are really beautiful, though - I love both the German and the American "Twilight" cover art, for example (but not enough to approve of the fact that now every book is looking like that).
And don't get me started on paper quality and typography! :p
I really don't like a lot of album art for my favorite artists. I almost never like the cover of Tori albums (with the exception of Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink). Recently I was at a used cd sale and the cd's were 5 for $1 and I bought a bunch of cds by artists I'd never heard of just because I liked the album art.
At our store, we have a special section for books by independent publishers, and I have to say that their covers tend to be on the more unusual side. In most cases, generic content equals generic covers, sadly enough (although that, too, serves a purpose: you can spot a Nicholas Sparks book or a Dan Brown by miles.).
Also, speaking of Sigur Ros above...have you listened to the side project "Riceboy Sleeps"? I'm kind of addicted to it right now...it's sort of how I imagine Kryptonian music sounding. :)
And oh yes, I have listened to Riceboy Sleeps (or rather, "Jónsi & Alex - those boys are so adorable! Have you seen their cooking instruction video?). My favourite song is "Boy 1904" - I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I really like your idea that it sounds like Kryptonian music might!
That is soooo random :D :D :D
And because they used adds in some of Terry Pratchett's earlier books without asking him, he went and got himself a different German publisher.
Good for him!!! :D
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