Bookcovers of awesomeness

Aug 26, 2009 17:09

I mentioned yesterday that my colleague gave me a big bag of Georgette Heyer novels. Now, the thing is that some of these books are at least as old as I am, and the covers, frankly, are *brilliant*. Brillantly hideous, and it totally shows that those were different times for booksellers.

Those drawings are wonderful enough, but it gets even better:

I can't get over those random quotes on the bookcover (and believe me, they *are* random and don't help one bit with getting the right impression of the book).

And back in the 80s and 90s, Rowohlt would sometimes put adds in their paperbacks - they always consisted of a drawing related to the book, some comment that was also related to the text, and then an add for Pfandbriefe (some kind of covered bond).
Incidentally, Heyne used to do that, too, but their adds were for instant soups. And because they used adds in some of Terry Pratchett's earlier books without asking him, he went and got himself a different German publisher.

Ah, those were the days. The current covers look a little better, in my opinion; they're oldfashioned, but then, so are the books. It beats those drawings from the beginning.

Now, what to read next, "Verlobung zu dritt", "Verführung zur Ehe" or "Serena und das Monster?"
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