How is everyone's Sunday? Tomorrow's the start of the week again huh... Uni and work again. Reminds me of weeeek. xD
Anyway have any of you been following the Taiyou no Namida single's ranking on the Oricon chart? Apparently they were no.1 consecutively for the first week! *YAY* Omedetou NEWS~
Then it suddenly dropped to no.6 on the 11th (last Tue) but it climbed up again, today it's at the no. 3 spot. Not bad, not bad!
Here, check out this
link.I can't wait for Pi's Chubaw desu yo~ video to be out? Or is it already? I saw the screencaps on Kenken no Heya, gawd he looks so hot in white. *drool*
Anyway I'm sure all of you know by now that Pi has to postpone his graduation ne? (: Let's all support him on his journey. With his go-getter attitude, this goal isn't unreachable for him! Yeah?! (goes a little crazy from supporting Pi) He's facing this with a strong attitude, so let's be strong with him. He's so inspiring. Sigh
Thanks to
theproudpenguin who created this.
Yep, this is very NEWS-centric! And I found the last part especially difficult, because I don't usually rank what I like. =P Anyway this was fun though a little time-consuming. LOL I want to know your answers too, please do this meme if you've the time. xD