I look ridiculous. But I feel better.
Lexi was right, it helped, even though the minute I walked out of the bloody salon or whatever I started worrying at Annie about if people would like it and THAT's the problem with doing things like this, you start worrying. I don't know, it looks all right I think, and anyway, the change helped.
I mean, practically everyone I know is married or in a serious relationship and now Julia's pregnant, and I shouldn't feel fucking stupid about not being one of them, but I do. They're the idiots, marrying so early, not to say that Jeremy and Julia aren't perfect for each other because I had practically had money on that back in third year. No, the problem is
Why am I even writing about this? I'm over it.
No, I'm really not.
Whatever. What. Fucking. Ever.
Barely had time for anything. Spent a lot of time with Lexi lately until Dagny finally invited her to the wedding. Things are getting weird in general. No wonder I spent half of the last couple of weeks drunk. It's like I woke up from that hangover and everything was SUDDENLY awkward and weird but that's probably my own fucking fault.
The hair helped. Sort of.
I dyed my hair. Dark. Black or something. If anyone wants to get smart, they can shut the fuck up about it. It's just hair.
Anyway, season's started, I have four tickets to Bats/Wasps because Dad isn't going, looking forward to that. (They're for sale, by the way, make your offer if you want them. Good bloody tickets.) Matt's acting weird but that's nothing new, I wonder if the hormones are getting to my idiot brother because if anyone's the girl in that relationship...
My first birthday out of school since I was eleven. Looking forward to getting drunk out of my mind and not having to hide a hangover the next day. Any news about that party you're having, Stanton, Alana?
Watch and see, the Saints are going to have an undefeated record this year. We're fucking badarse and don't you forget it.