For ease and simplicity! All the chapters/stories posted on my livejournal. Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!
Original Fiction:
Dangerous People: Chapter 8 of my original book.
Left of West: The first few pages of my new, in-progress modern fantasy novel.
Defining El Triunfo: An article I wrote for the Peace Corps Ecuador newspaper describing some of my typical days. Warnings for crushing depression.
Peace Corps: Two Years In Facebook Statuses: (AKA the recollections of a soon-to-be RPCV via an online social medium) *filter locked because it mentions someone who reads this journal
Supernatural Fanfiction
If There Be Angels: Jimmy Novak was a cynic and an atheist. On his 21st birthday he was saved from the clutches of evil by an angel… in an Impala. Pre-series oneshot.
Mouths of Babes: Jimmy's been running into strange people his whole life. Gen oneshot.
It's The End 'Verse Master Post
Wire In A Fire (AU of "The End") Once upon a time, everything good in the world fell apart. In the fight for survival, everyone changes, everyone is betrayed, and in the end, everyone loses. Companion piece to 'Of The World,' set in the alternate universe of "The End."
Chapter 1: It Starts With An EarthquakeChapter 2: Eye Of A HurricaneChapter 3: The Ladder Starts To ClatterChapter 4: Furies Breathing Down Your NeckChapter 5: Listen To Yourself Churn Chapter 6: Offer Me Solutions, Offer Me Alternatives Chapter 7: It's Time I Had Some Time AloneChapter 8: The Other Night I Dreamt Of Knives
Also make sure to check out the wonderful
fanmix by
subarashiine (complete with banners!)