If Ian McKellen were a Prince and Not a Knight

May 20, 2010 20:10

The Past few days I've been dreading the last week of my rehearsals as i didn't feel ready to take part in the Run through mode.  It's incredibly hard to present a finished product to the director who's been doing this show for 15years and NEVER have done half of the bubble tricks till today.  He used to be an actor so it always throws me when once acting directors forget that props ARE THE DEVIL and that they will do everything in their proppy abilities to fuck over performers.  It's almost like you need to have a relationship with your props. Get to know them, buy them flowers and show them a good time before they help you out.

That being said, I only needed help once or twice with lines, remembering where I was, some of the transitions are quite a challenge.  They don't flow together so it's just a matter of rote memorization.  The plan for tomorrow, is to wake up early, get in some exercise and split my time between my next round of Anatomy Homework, going over lines, and finishing my purse. Then this weekend will be free, or nearly free to relax out in my favorite old home town oh riverside, as this new "job" may start to eat up my weekends in the future. Who knows. I would love for them to give me nothing but weekday shows, however the likely hood of getting that lucky, is nill.

But it's good to be sort of employed, even if it does mean that I need to spend more time out in LA... shudder.  I really really dislike that town. Seriously dislike it.

Check this out, it'll distract you from my whining.

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I laughed at this as the impression is pretty on.  In some of his other Ian videos the dude gets into a sterotypical "old man" sort of mode, but they're still fun.  I also enjoyed the Charles In Charge vid.


work, life, children, shows, acting, job, internet video

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