Mar 25, 2010 23:53
Sometimes I question love. What is it that makes me smile when ever I hear your name? Each time I see a jar of peanut butter I remember those very specific ways that you felt you could show the world that you care. Something about your brilliance drew you to me. There in your thoughts I can see the key to the delicious moments of life.
Oh Goerge Washington Carver why do I love thee?
It goes beyond the fact that i did a report on you in the elementary years of my life. A time when seeing the list of hundreds of items you created from the "goober" plant was fascinating, a time when you cured one boy's polio with peanut oil and vigorous massage techniques. I barely remember what I learned, just that you were a man beyond your time and helped bring peanuts up from an annoying weed to a crop plant that farmers wanted to grow during the fallow seasons.
I love thee because you seem to pop up in the most random places. Every once in a while I've heard smaller comedians make off handed comments about the Goober man. Even in a blog about love quotes you can be found.
After a stumbleing moment I came across a Shakespeare Quote that I'd never heard before
"When i first saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew."
-William Shakespeare
In a search for the source of that quote (I was really just wondering if it came from a play) I run into a George Washington Carver quote about love. Talk about unexpected.
"Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough."
-George Washington Carver
Oh George I just don't know what to do with you. I'll put you in my shirt pocket and laugh the day away as you spout wisdom from just below my breast.
I also liked this one because sometimes I am terribly cynical and did not see this for the positive metaphor it probably should have been.
"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints in our hearts, and we are never ever the same."