Books, Tastey Books

Jun 16, 2008 16:26

I have found that when I get angry at a book I take my time else where. I boycott it for a bit. Right now I am boycotting Anne Rice's Cry to Heaven. Basically because the character who I liked the most's life has taken a terrible turn, done in to some extent by his once estranged older brother. It was similar to the time when I was overly pissed at the near end of Harry Potter 6 and tossed the book onto the couch.

Some might consider this a tad like when I'm near to finishing a book (everytime I've read part of the Ender Series) and didn't want it to end so I would slow down, stop after every chapter or something. But it's very different in my eyes. With that situation I really want to finish. The book is constantly pulling at me.

But not right now. I'm pretty unhappy with what went down, it was damn underhanded on Tonio's brother's part. the jerk. Though the book did seem to take a while to really get into the world of the Castrati. Once Tonio appeared as the second main character Guido disappeared into the background of the books leafy pages.

Right now I'm bathing in the glow of Dexter.. Darkly Dreaming Dexter.


What I've found most interesting about this book is that I'm not upset about the TV show having gone in a different direction. They run along the same path, there's the basic agreement about what the main story is, but the TV show changed job desctiptions of certain characters, moved events around and adjusted a good amount (nothing close the ripping and tearing trend of the Harry Potter franch. but they're in their own category I believe).

For me the book is more of a look into Dexter's mind, a deeper tryst into the twisted. And it's more or less just informing the characters on the show. Perhaps it's more along the lines of seeing how Dexter veiws his coworkers. They have made a number of the characters tweaked differently. Angel is not a detective in the book, I think he's the ME but Dexter had never said directly what his job is, he's just never referred to him as a detective like he does the rest. Debora strikes me as idiotic, the way she seems to rely completely on Dexter to help her move up the chain of events, and instead of being the oblivious sister that she is in the TV show she always makes comments about how she doesn't feel like she knows him, can trust him, or even could guess at what his reactions to something would be.

Vince Masuoka is also a character who reads differently than he plays on the tv. The character is vapid and empty, not just someone who doesn't know when to stop with the ridiculous jokes but one who Dexter describes as having empty smiles and seems more like he's imitating life than actually living it.

And in the book Laquerta is a cougar (out to sex it up with Dexter) and she is apparently truly all about the politics of the situation and has never solved anything. She's hard to swallow on the tube and even less pleasant in the paper form.


I forgot to mention the weird dream sequences that Dexter has repeatedly in which he has a psychic seeming link with the Ice Truck killer (a name not popularized in the book) and gets confused with him, something else not in the tv show.


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