I'm tired but killing time to see if the producer for this coming monday shoot might e-mail me. Not really important and highly unlikely but still. If I could get it all out of the way right now that'd be nice.
So Key word of the night is RUN AND SWIM. I guess it would be the key action words. And flash back for an Other... why? They shouldn't have flash backs, they're not part of the surrvivors.
and oh that's right!! It's not just the Jack, Kate and Swayer show. Finally we get back to the other side of the island... i mean back to the original island. You know what would be freaking awesome. A giant fucking mirror. Kate, Sawyer, and Carl are in a boat that goes no where because when they get to miles out they run right face first into a huge mirror refelcting the shore they just left. HA plot hole explained. There never was a second island just a mirror that the others set up once they had captured Jake, Kate and Sawyer. See that even explains why they didn't see it earlier. Even though no one was smart enough to walk around the whole island in the first place. Shit they still haven't done it, garenteed, all the time that their friends have been captured they've been tanning on the beach Shannon style.
And the whole thing turns into a Truman Show situation. The surrviors of the crash, actually just Kate, Jack and Sawyer are on the newest reality TV show, build a fake plane crash around 3 people and see what happens when you add in odd special effects, trained polar bears and scarry others. It would really explain so much, especially why we forgot about the rest of the crash surrvivors, they're not actually doing anything interesting. They're eating hamburgers on the side of the "island" or playing golf on the fake course. Hell they're probably not even on set right now. I bet that most of them are on call, waiting till the "other" actors get done with their bit and untill then they're shopping and hangin out with their families.
Why was it so important that they not escape by themselves? Cause they'd run into the Mirror. But now with Carl there he can deter them from realizeing it's a huge hoax and get them back to the firendly side of the island. The logic to work that one out is something that only the writers of LOST could whipp up. "Hey guys, I was just tortured and clockwork oranged a few moments back but don't worry, my jungle girlfriend should be enough reason to trust me. And don't worry she's not as crazy as her french alien mother.. yet."
PREGNANT MALE RATS!!! WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT> It's going to come back I know it.
And since when do you let cancer patients get pregnant? Isn't that counter productive to saveing their lives. Haveing yet another tumor feeding off them? BLERG!!
That was a moment for sure.
Watched it at Heather's house. I made super rich cookies that had enough choclate and sugar in them to cause a coma. A come induces by tasteyness. Any way, met her housemates... Crissy, Mary Beth, Joy, and ? along with a couple other friends, Arrow, ? and ? who were pretty much nice AND entertaining.
Think I lost my camera there though. Hopefully none of the nice people secrectly turn out to be cleptos or I may never get it back, and I had some really cool Rubber Ducky pictures on there (from the Fountain) and a couple from the film shoot on monday.