and vomito! I almost forgot that this wonderful show was being cursed by a terrible fake couple. Yuck. But no worries they reminded me with in the first three minutes.
The Show: *Taps me on the shoulder*
ME: "Huh?"
The Show: "Here's a bucket."
ME: Wow thanks, you read my mind.
But enough of that silly ness. Oh no! Thanks Moses (Cheif) for finding the tablets at Sinia (eye of jupiter at ,... the alge plante temple) so bad religious connections aside I should probably keep walking since, meh I havn't finished this eisodic journey yet and had just paused half way to get the gross LEE-KARA taste out of my mouth. Oh I'm sorry, Lee doesn't want to cheat but Kara doesn't want to destroy her marriage vows... WTF. Hello! What your doing is destroying your marriage vows. I don't think I've ever disliked a Female character this much. I feel what I imagine Caitlin feels like when she watches Lost...
Uuop! Cylons just jumped into orbit. Figures. They have a very similar ability as Hale, the secrect service agent in Prision Break, who just always knew where Michael would go/do next.
Cylons: Gee looks like we lost them again.
Tub Cylon: Here Throw this dart.
Cyclons: It looks like it hit the Alge Planet.
Tub Cylon: Well what are you waiting for?
Cylons: We're waiting for actual proof that they are there.
Tub Cylon: Why do you need proof when you hae the throw of a dart?
Cylons: You know what? You're right.
Hmm.. half way through and now have to wait for the second half to load...