Party at Zach's was good times, as was to be expected. Movies and food that is just plain bad for me. Note to self, don't just sit around all day. Unlike many of my friends I don't burn energy by just existing. Sad I know, but true. has become my friend. There is a generall lack of tv in my life currently, for some reason not having one in this room just isn't the same. Probably should have brought back the cable cord. I'm going to need to make daily to-do lists. Otherwise I get nothing accomplished.
Note to self, stop thinking or you'll drive yourself off the wall.
To-Do To-Mmarow
- send package for relatives
- find mom's camera and hunt down lens
- find ceramic tea pot
- do laundry
- walk dogs/ride bike
- finish christmas decorating
- sew or design own shirt
That looks like a good little bit of stuff. At some point in there is reading for the fun of it, messing around with Photoshop, playing video games and other.. hopefully that stuff gets done.