Aug 26, 2013 10:55
There are a surprising number of movies on youtube. Movies that are full and complete and not broken down into multiple parts to fit the old 10min restriction. My inaugural foray into the world of Full Length Youtube began today with "Beauty and the Brief Case." I have a bit of a thing for Hilary Duff so you'll have to forgive me. It's basically a fluffy romance based around a girl who wants to write for Cosmo, gets her chance, and has to go under cover into the business man to find her "Magic man." It runs on the premise that girls have a list of things they want from their potential mates and that it's incredibly hard to find someone who fits into that. Nothing special in this movie. She wears lots of cute outfits, has many dates, a whirlwind romance, and in the end falls for someone she doesn't expect because he meets non of her heavily stressed standards.
I'm thinking I need a list. This is not to say that I've taken the opposite lesson out of the story but rather, I should give my future mate some actual thought, some parameters so that I'll recognize him if he's got them, or that way I can know when to break away from my list. My past thought was that I cannot end up with the first guy that I've had a real relationship. That thankfully worked out because we would have been terrible together in the long run. But could have burned me if I'd ended up with "the one" that I don't believe in, in the first place and missed it because I had a silly rule.
I'm coming up on the 28th birthday here. I mention that now as the only other thing I'd ever thought of was that 27-31 would be a good time to get serious. Obviously I'm still in that window, but my general disgusting homebodiness that is dominating my life right now makes me wonder about it's possibility.
Honestly this mini movie critique has gone further than I expected. My original point to writing this up was to say that I greatly disliked the ending. When Hilary Duff's character and her costar "Tom" admit they love each other in front of a board room of business dudes, after exactly NO dates or time spent together outside of the office, I throw up in my mouth a little. I still can't understand love or claiming strong emotion with out anytime spent learning who the person is beyond their work life.
If this is the way the world supposedly works, then I've repeatedly chosen the wrong careers. Acting and Occupational Therapy are dominated by females. Then again, perhaps the universe is trying to tell me something?
you tube,
internet videos,