Watching that Narnia movie.. the one with the prince.

Nov 19, 2012 23:09

I'm on the telephone jury duty list.  So far so good.  Called in over the weekend, called in tonight.  Calling in tomorrow.. Let's keep this trend going.  Now I am knocking on wood.

My insurance check that I sent out last month got lost in the mail.  I got a letter telling me to pay up or get a new supplier.  Dealing with that before work tomorrow.

13 days of internship left. December 7th couldn't come fast enough.

I find it hard to watch criminal tv shows these days, and yet I keep doing it.

I have been drinking alot of tea, as of late.  A trend that started when the weather turned cold.

The jewerly making has slowed.  I think I need to get thicker wire and some elastic to use up the beads that I've got.

Ceramics are done until january... but I should keep working on it cause I have a bunch of porcelain and left over clay. Perhaps I can make some plaster molds and create dishes without the wheel. I finally found a glaze combination that i liked but don't know what I did since I don't keep any record... [sheepish grin]

I'm thinking that I should check out what my credit score is.

Is is weird that I'm more interested in owning a house than having a boyfriend?  Is that backwards?  It would be easier to reach the goal of owning a home if I had a partner in crime that would chip in some money for said building.  But then I'd have to share..

Shipping container homes are intriguing. The average car is $1500-3000  a couple of those create a very nice little living space. Pricing them out is hard to do. Seeing as it's so individual and based on what your area is...

It's been a long time since I read the Narnia stories.. I do still enjoy the tale.  The movie is fun, I can;t remember the books, so this makes me much more open to not seeing changes and enjoying the movie instead.

I hear that JK Rowling gave away so much money that she lost her billionaire status this year. I can't figure out of that is impressive or not.  I'm pretty sure, that she's still sitting pretty. Pretty Pretty Pretty.  I guess I shouldn't give to much crap, it's nice when the ridiculously rich give.  I hope to have that problem soon.

money, grad school, crafts, internship, life, house, relationships, thoughts, ceramics

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