May 12, 2005 21:17
I fucking hate that Chase commercial where this girl is trying on a wedding dress and her father is there watching and smiling and then you see all the things that they did together when she was like 10 years old and then you see her at her wedding dancing with her husband and her father is still there smiling for her and then she goes up and hugs him.
It gets me so upset/ a little bit jealous.
I wish they wouldn't show commercials like that.
Summer is finally coming and I'm excited but also dreading it a little if that makes sense. I don't know I just am.
I've also become dyslexic. Writing letters backwards left and right and mixing up letters and all that stuff.
On my AP exam I wrote my initials as DET and I was so convinced it was right untill I remembers that my last name began with an E and I felt so dumb.
I've pretty much decided what I want to do with my life and I feel relieved/ scared about it at the same time. I'm not sure that I should be so sure about that right now.
I want to get out and travel.
I wish I grew up in the suburbs.
I wish the city was still a big exciting place.
There's so many people and yet it's so easy to feel alone.
There must be about 50 neighbors in my building and I don't know any of their names.
I never cared to, they never cared to
no one ever cares to.
I wonder what it would be like if they did.