Feb 04, 2008 13:20
soo.. the giants totally got lucky. i wasn't rooting for either team but i think the patriots should've won. steelers fans over here. i did like 10 loads of laundry yesterday and cleaned the entire upstairs bathroom. there's soo much to do. next week, we're going to try and get our car refinanced. and we're getting rid of everything we don't want or need. time to make that trip to goodwill.
so we're like all suck, besides andy. i'm all congested and snotty mostly during the day. carter is still getting over his yuck nose. and poor nathan, i've been suctioning his nose every two hours. its sad. he hates it. we're all snotty and gross. uck.
so i'm going to my first passion party tonight. im excited. i just keep thinking about andy dick in old school where he's teaching the chicks how to give a BJ. hahahaha!!!
wow, so im scared to go to my mom's house. she has a roach problem and im like totally ANTI FUCKING ROACHES! i had a nightmare the other night that as soon as we got there, went to the kitchen and they were all over the counters. and my mom gave me air freshener to kill them.. um no that doesn't kill em. so i asked my mom if they're still there and she said no. last time we went down to NC, i paid for terminex to come out. and she said they continued the treatments up until 3 months ago. so hopefully we'll be good. im saving another $100 just incase. omg!!!