I feel like posting...

Jan 29, 2012 23:27

Going on my third week of the semester now and already counting down until Mardi Gras break. My classes really aren't bad. My three art classes are photography, sculpture and painting. I think I'm enjoying painting the most and maybe that's because it's the only class we've really done anything in. I'm not sure about sculpture yet, but photography seems like it will be interesting. I like to have reasons to go out and mess around with a camera. I won't know how it's actually going to be until we have a critique though. I have critiques in painting and sculpture coming up this week.

This past Friday I went up to Baton Rouge to stay with my friend and on Saturday we went to St. Francisville to go hiking and finally find this abandoned church I remember passing on trips up there when I was a kid. After getting lost for an hour we found it! I don't know how we missed it the other times we went up there. The road that lead to it was closed off, but we ducked under it and ran up the road to where the church was right across this field from the highway.

It was St. Mary's Episcopal Chruch, built in 1857 apparently. Apparently, there was a cemetary we missed nearby which gives me a reason to go back and explore.

I'm so glad I finally got to explore it. When I was little I conjured up all kinds of stories about it. I love abandoned buildings. I think it's because I love history so much. And I love imagining what these forgotten places used to be and who used to visit them. There is something so romantic about forgotten, lonely places like that, even little shacks you see everwhere left to decay in the woods. These places can make my imagination run wild. It's a great setting for a story I guess.

As we were leaving the road to go back to where Danielle's car was parked, another car pulled up and we were convinced we were going to be told off. Danielle kept saying, "This is going to be so awkward." The other car ended up being another couple of curious sightseers with cameras wanting to know if the walk was worth it. We were like, "Definately!"

After that, we finally got to Tunica Hills where we planned to hike. We thoroughly exhausted ourselves in what felt like a continuously up hill hike. You don't realize how far 2.6 miles is until you have to walk it up hill on an empty stomach. It was like heaven sitting down to eat three hours later in a little cafe in St. Francisville.

Now it's an hour away from being Monday and despite my semester being a lot less hectic than I was anticipating with my art review coming up, I'm still already looking forward to Friday. Now I really do have homework to finish.
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