10 personal canon facts about gabriel gray

Sep 19, 2007 22:04

give me more people to tell you the weird my-canon facts!

10 Personal Canon Facts About... Gabriel Gray for themadedevil

1)Growing up Gabriel was called a geek, a nerd, a freak, teacher's pet and all those other labels kids put on others they didn't like, who were smarter or who were different. Gabriel was all three.

2)One year for christmas Gabriel got a Rubik's cube. The first time he solved it he only took two minutes.

3)Growing up, Gabriel's mother always told him he could be what ever he wanted to be when he grew up. She also told him he could be somebody special. He always wondered what if what he wanted to be wasn't special enough for her?

4)Gabriel didn't have very many friends growing up. That was why it wasn't till High School that he realised other boys only liked girls.

5)Gabriel really liked college. He was taking some facinating biology classes, had a 4.0, and even had a boyfriend. That all went away when his father died.

6)Mostly, Gabriel liked his father's shop. Sometimes interesting people came in. But sometimes he felt like this wasn't what was supposed to happen.

7)It wasn't that he hated his mother. Sometimes he just wanted to hit her for saying he could be so much more. Wasn't taking care of her enough, he wondered.

8)When Chandra Suresh walked in his door he didn't know if he felt relieved or nervous. If he was one of these special people why did he still feel like something was missing?

9)He hated Chandra for saying he didn't think he was special. It might have been childish, but to have built up his hopes like that, and then crushing them with a sentence might have been the most horrible thing to happen to him.

10)After Brian Davis, he thought maybe if he found the right power he would find what was missing.

fic, heroes, ack! a meme!, fic: gabriel gray

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