10 personal canon facts about...

Sep 17, 2007 11:46

I'm working on an OMGZACHISSOAWESOME picspam and general squeeage post, but I saw something similar to this and I wanted to do it too!

10 personal canon facts about... Ryan Evans (and okay, a little of Chad too)

1)Contrary to popular opinion, Ryan has never slept with his sister. Sharpay may have hit on him a few times, but he likes guys. No exceptions.

2)Ryan likes to fence. He likes how it's a lot like dancing, a little like baseball, and that his sister hates it.

3)Ryan absolutely hates being sick. He has ever since he was five and he and Sharpay got chicken pox from their cousin. When he's sick he likes to hide in his room and watch cartoons and read comic books.

4)Ryan played baseball his senior year of high school. The Wildcats made it to the State Tournament. It was the first time Chad and Ryan kissed.

5)Chad and Ryan started off going to different colleges, but their Junior year at an IM softball game Ryan finds out Chad has transferred.

6)Ryan's favorite style of dance is West Coast Swing. His idea of partying is to go to a swing club and dance all night.

7)Although he will never admit it, his favorite hat is a pirate one Chad bought him at Disney World.

8)A few years after graduation, Ryan and Chad got an apartment together. There was some fuss from the neighborhood, but the little old lady across the hall thought they were a lovely couple.

9)Ryan and Chad have been talking about marriage and adoption, and if they should move somewhere their marriage would be legally recognized, like Spain, or Canada or Iowa.

10)Ryan has only truly been in love once. Luckily he had the good sense to marry him.

So this is to all of you out there. The fans :D If you want to hear about any more of anybody (eta: who I've written about) in my cracked out personal canon go ahead and comment with their name.

fic: chad/ryan, fic, ack! a meme!, hsm

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