fic: the pieces don't fit anymore (for the mylar_fic ficathon)

Jul 03, 2007 03:34

Title: The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore
Author: unrequited_rain
Recipient: cerebel
Genre: angst
Prompt: goldfish
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Molly wonders about being a goldfish till Mohinder comes home.
Word Count: 847
Disclaimer: unfortunately I don't own any of these characters, as much as I'd LIKE to. I'm just playing in Tim Kring's sandbox
Author's Note: this this is probably not close to anything anybody had in mind for this. hell, it's nowhere near what I had in mind originally. Molly's about 14 and her new dads are Gabriel and Mohinder Gray. so, yeah. pretty au, and walking the border between angstville and crackland but I tried. and please, feel free to let your imagination fill in the blanks. hopefully not all of mine will be this weird :D

Molly had often watched her new dads take care of the tropical fish. She'd also admit to going in the front hall sometimes when they weren't home just to watch all the beautiful fish swimming.

She liked the fish, there were lots of them and they all were different. Sometimes they reminded her of some of the other foster homes she had been at. Lots of different kids, and all kinds of people. Some that were really nice, and some that could rip you to shreds. Like the fish in her new dads' tanks.

But sometimes she felt like the goldfish that was up in her room. Plain Jane, normal, commonplace. She didn't presume to think she was like one of those exotic beautiful fish her dads kept.

Her dads were really nice guys. Some of the other kids at her new school were pretty stupid and didn't get how she could have two dads, even if she was adopted. Some were mean about it, but she had been able to take care of herself for years now. Plus she could always hang out with Darren, he had two moms, so he knew what it was like.

She went up to her room, decorated in a hodge-podge of what two thirty-something guys thought a teenage girl would like, and what she actually did have and like. and there in the corner was her goldfish. She really was like that goldfish. Sometimes she wondered what her dads saw in her. They both were so amazing, so special. Mohinder was a teacher at the university and Gabriel could fix absolutely anything. What did they want with such an ordinary girl like her?

She sat on her bed staring at her goldfish until she heard Mohinder come home. She could tell something was wrong from the way he moved around downstairs. Usually after coming inside he went to his office to drop off his briefcase, went to the kitchen to make some tea and then went to the living room to either grade papers or watch tv. This afternoon he just walked in the front door and didn't even close it. She could hear the thump of his briefcase as he dropped it on the floor and then wandered around downstairs.

Molly crept down the stairs to watch Mohinder. He looked lost, or like he was on autopilot. Like he didn't know what was going on or what he was doing. Cautiously she made her way over to him and asked if he was okay. He just stood there with a funny look on his face and stared at her like he had no idea what was going on. She tried to talk to him, she called his name, but she got no response.

He started to say her name, like he couldn't believe she was there, but he trailed off as he heard the front door open then whirled around to see who was coming in.

Gabriel walked over to Molly and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. He started towards Mohinder, but he shied away. Gabriel got a sad, resigned look on his face and gave Molly a bag with some movies and told her to go put one in and wait for them.

As Molly made the trek down to the family room, where there was a big screen tv and the sectional sofa she reassured herself that Mohinder had just had a long day and was tired. She looked at the movies that Gabriel had brought home. Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon, both Humphrey Bogart films. Molly smiled at that, her dad really liked the old black and white movies. Last time it had been Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

She looked up at the ceiling nervously when she heard a thump coming from upstairs. She really hoped they weren't fighting. If they were fighting she might have to leave, and she really liked it here. Gabriel and Mohinder really were her dads now. She looked upwards again when she heard shouting. She couldn't really hear what was being said, but it sounded angry and one-sided, like one was yelling and the other was staying calm.

She finally worked up the nerve to go upstairs and find out what was going on when she heard another, larger thump, and then quiet. On the stairs she met Gabriel, who told her not to worry, Mohinder had just tripped up the stairs, it was no big deal, and they'd be down in a minute. Slightly reassured she got on the couch and curled up in a blanket to await the arrival of her parents.

A few minutes later Mohinder and Gabriel came down the stairs as if nothing had happened. Gabriel sat down on the couch next to her and Mohinder curled up next to him. She wondered for a moment what had happened upstairs, and if it was a frequent occurence, but as Gabriel just tucked her under his arm she forgot about it and they watched the movie in relative silence.


fic, heroes, angst, fic: mohinder/sylar, fic: mine

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