fic: untitled: chazz/jimmy

Apr 11, 2007 21:19

lawlz, I am just typing this into lj so forgive any mistakes :D

Chazz was sitting at the kitchen table when Jimmy came moping in one saturday night.

"Katie dumped me." he moaned as he sat next to Chazz, who threw him a friendly elbow.

"Don't worry about it Chief. When it's right, it's right and you'll know when it's right."

Jimmy rolled his eyes at him. "Oh and how would you know O Great Sex Addict?"

Chazz looked affonted. "I happen to have met someone I think might be 'the one'."

Jimmy sat up at that. "Really? Do I know her?"

"Urm..." Chazz got an uncomfotable look on his face, kind of like he had indegestion. "It's a good possibility you know the person."

"Well?" Jimm squirmed impatiently "Who is she?"

Chazz paled a little. "It's a private issue and I don't wanna talk about it."

Jimmy looked affronted. "I thought we were friends man. As long as it's not some old dude whose money you're after and then con his kids out of all of said money, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay with it." Jimmy pulled Chazz next to him like a fith grade girl at a slumber party. "Come on, tell me."

Chazz squirmed around for a bit. "What if... I'm not sayin' it is, I'm just saying if.... what if... if I said it's .... it's a dude?"

Jimmy got a puzzled look on his face. "It's not Coach is it? Because I was just kidding before... I'd be..." he got a look on his face, like he had just ate ten sour warheads. "... Okay I guess. It's not you-and-a-dude that's weird it's ... it's Coach-and-anybody that's gross. He's like, a dad to me. And I'm pretty sure to most people the thought of their dad having sex with anybody, much less their brother is..."

They both made a face at that.

"That came out wrong. But anyway, if you really do have these... feelings... for Coach I'll support you in any way I can..."

Jimmy stopped talking as Chazz had just planted a big wet juicy one right on his lips.

Jimmy sat there for a moment, stunned as Chazz sat there nervously. Eventually his brain started working enought to say, "Not Coach then?"

Chazz sighed, positive that he's blown it. "No, not Coach." He kept looking forward out the window, not daring to look over at Jimmy, unwilling to see the look or rejection, or worse, revulsion he knew would be there.

Jimmy too wasn't looking at Chazz, but it wasn't rejection or revulsion he was hiding, it was hope. The hope that Chazz wasn't kidding, or that this wasn't some macho test he was about to fail. "Okay," Jimmy said in a near-whisper.

"Okay?" Chazz half whispered back, with a note of hope in his voice.

"Yeah..." Jimmy snuck his hand down to cover Chazz's resting on the table top. "Cool?"

"Yeah, cool." Chazz looked over to grin at Jimmy to find him already smiling back.

ZOMG slakjdf;alsd tell me how it was, even if you haven't seen the movie yet. (IF YOU HAVEN'T YOU SHOULD AND IF YOU HAVE CHECK OUT blades_of_glory ZOMG AWESOME)

and of course I wait to finish this until I don't have my computer :D *is using the roomate's right now*

blades of glory, fic, fic: chazz/jimmy, fic: mine

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