Apr 16, 2005 21:54
Things have been strange lately. Me and Joe are getting an appartment. (eventually) In order for us to get it our income has to be a certain amount a year. When the lady did the math the amount joe and I are making doesnt add up to what it has to be, but joe is getting a promotion to a manager position soon. So then she did the math with the amount he'll be making when he becomes manager and it was enough. But we have to give the people from the appartments 2 of our most recent check stubs so we have to wait until joe get's his raise which who knows how long that will be because he's still in trainging for it. And the thing that sucks is when we went to talk to her which was monday on the 11th, she said they didnt have any appartments on the main floor available but that there was no one else in line for them so that we would be first on the waiting list. But by the time Joe gets his raise and we get the check stubs they need, someone else might have already came and be put on the waiting list before us. So it could be forever before we actually get it, but we are getting one for sure. I just don't want an upstairs one because when the dog wakes me up at 3 in the morning to go to the bathroom I sure in the hell aint gonna feel like walking all the way downstairs to take her out.
Anyways, I miss all my guy friends. the only one I have left is Pierre and ever since him and his girlfriend had a baby, I never see him. Any other guys I consider friends have girlfriends too and they couldn't hang out with me cause they're girlfriends would get mad. It sucks. Joe's been working alot lately and I hate just sitting here with his family cause lets face it, things havent been all that great around here lately. I have been hanging out alot with chrissy lately. I love her and I didnt realize how much I missed her until I finally went over there. Plus I feel so bad for her, she has a new born baby, she's the same age as me, and the dad doesnt even wanna be apart of her or the baby's life.
Anyways, all this typing was a waste cause it was just a bunch of blabber so Im gonna go.