en masse

Jan 16, 2006 09:06

YOu guys are so great! I have gotten lots of responses and lots of helpful suggestions from you guys. I was hoping this would help and it just might pay off. I am having some technical difficulties with my home comp so I am posting one biggy instead of indiviual attention just to make sure it gets out before my comp does. (Hope this doesn't hurt anyones feelings.)

I called the placer and it turns out she was being sarcastic when she said the only way I could help was by finding her a family in Witchita to live with. Luckily I grew up with ewysiwyg and recognize sarcasm when I see it. ;) I ignored her sarcasm and took her suggestion and thanks to you guys it just might work.

She said she has to do all the actual investigation and background checking to see if they meet company standards. If they live in the school district, if they have a criminal record, if they have a bedroom with a locking door . . .company poicy junk. So I am to send all info regarding possible voluinteers directly to her email and she will do the follow up. If you could email me The full name, adress phone number and if you have it email adress of anyone you think could help I will compile it into one and send it to her. I am also sending her all the other suggestions you've made for local and national organizations that might help so please keep send ing those suggestions as well.

Ewysiwyg has suggested I repost the original tomorrow since more people check LJ during working hours so I will repost and no one who has responded needs to panic and think more bad things have occured or reslog thorugh such a ong post. I do appreciate you doing it once, I wouldn't ask for it twice. ;)

And someone also mentioned I should not put my correct email up here or be doomed to mountains of spam so see the problem correct the problem and you will find me! Thanks again!

All location information can be sent to: unomesowell@yahell.com

help!, phan clan, vy, family, erica

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