Day three:Thomas's turn

Jan 02, 2006 08:11

Do you ever feel like the whole world is having more fun than you?

As you have read Sydney Li spent all New Years Day sick in bed. ViVi had been declared well so she went with Thomas and Vang to celebrate while I stayed home with the sick one. They went to the mall, visited his parents and topped it off by going to the fanciest most expensive chinese buffet I can ever claim to have visited. Once. T remember they had a chocolate fountain on the dessert buffet . . .

Sydney Li had begged for a Harry Potter marathon but kept falling asleep so I kept rewinding for her and watching several scenes repeatedly. I had a frozen waffle for lunch so I wouldn't have to eat anything good in front of sicky. I cleaned up vomit.

But after a full glass of water and 6 whole crackers kept down for several hours, the family arrived home and I proclaimed a good night sleep and Sydney Li would be well come morning. We decided to play the bonus features on Harry Potter II and go to bed a bit late.

Glad we did. The second the game was over Thomas vomitted all over my room and the hallway leading to the bathroom. At least he wasn't in his bed when it happened.

By ten o'clock he was bathed redressed and sleeping. I was frustrated. I never seem to avoid the vomit. And they used to be able to make it to the toilet but this 24 hour virus seems a bit harsh and they vomit instantly without warning. I was a bit anrgy that Vang took them to the restaurant he promised to bring ME for my birthday which is only two weeks away. Seeing as we only go maybe once a year do you think he will feel like going twice in one month? (at least feel like it without any pouting on my end?)

(It make me feel childish to feel this way and to complain about these things to him so I am unloading it on you. Then I will surely enact my new years resolution and tell him that he will bring me also. Since I missed New Years I don't intend to miss my birthday. Not to mention he's leaving for Vietnam two days after my birthday and the travel agent is threatening to bump up his departure date. Should I serve cheese with this whine?)

Where was I? I clean Thomas, read to the girls, listen to Vangs recital of what I missed, and realize the smallest reward I am going to get for my two day effort and the prospects of more tomorrow is a drive through dinner. I had a frozen waffle for lunch dammit!

I drove out to the closest place, a Jack in the Box on the corner. The Taco Bell has a recorded message when you go through the drive through. Presumably this frees up hands to move the line faster and they help you personally when you start placing your order. It also ensures a polite greeting. Anyway when the JITB sqwack box screamed out a cheerful message from at least five people proclaiming it was New Years and the would be more than happy to take my order tonight I kinda sorta assumed it was a recorded message. I was in a bit of a foul mood I guess. I placed my order and drove forward. But it wasn't. They were almost drunk they were so giddy. They were blaring music and dancing in front of the fry pit. A spiffily dressed gay boy opened the window to tell me it would be a few minutes and then turned his microphone on speaker and did his best impression.

"Hello dear children. This is Mya Angelo and I have a message for you. Like the blood pressure on a woman who ate nothing but pork all her life I Will Rise!"

I am now accepting bets on when Vang will barf. I assume it will be Vang because I will need to have cleaned up everyones vomit before I take my turn and then feel totally rejected when I am stuck cleaning up my own. My new years resolution should have been "Play a martyr." I'm pretty good at that.

phan clan, my birthday, sydney li, family, door mat alert, thomas, vang, feelings, bad luck, new years resolutions, angry, vi-vi

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