I mean it this time

Apr 24, 2004 10:50

I really don't have much to pst so I WILL KEEP THIS SHORT. I promise. Yesterday was so frustrating to me. I have come to hate Fridays with a passion. With Vang working from noon to 8pm monday through thursday and me working from 11pm to 7am we had to come up with some interesting sleep patterns. I come home from work and get the kids ready for school so I can go to bed at 8am. Vang gets up and takes the kids to school and stays home and watches anyone who's home that day. He feeds them and wakes me up ion time to read them a bedtime story while he heads out to work. I am with them and pick any one up form school and feed them dinner or whatever until 8pm when I read them thier bedtime story and put them to bed. Then I get to sleep until 10pm when I have to get up and ready for work. This usually averages about 6 hours a day which is fine Monday through thursday. But Fridays, and Sundays really too, suck the big one. Yesterday I forgot it was Friday. I go the kids ready for school and changed my clothes for bed. I climbed up on my pillow and let out this huge sigh because bed is officially my favorite place to be at 8am. But Vang wakes up and looks me in the eye and says "Did you forget I have to work?" Dammit! I burst into tears. He of course thought I had lost my mind but dammit to be that close to sleep and then reminded its not going to happen is hard! On Friday Vang goes to work at 8am. He won't be home until 9 or 10 that night. I should have no problem staying up since its my day off and I will get 8 full consecutive hours tonight. But dammit its hard! Then Sundays are a close second because I slept all night Saturday and have to work Sunday Night so I stay up the whole day and the whole night with no sleep until my four hours Monday morning. Can you even imagine looking forward to Monday mornings? It sets a bad example for the kids!

So I was in the worst possible mood and decided I needed some spoiling so I didn't do any on the laundry. I get to make up for that today of course. I did take the kids to the grocery store but instead of doing any serious shopping I bought them lunchables so I wouldn't have to cook and Turkey loaf for dinner because even though it takes hours to cook it requires no effort and its one of thier favorite meals. I know your going TURKEY LOAF? What the hell?!? Well if you read this far and that is what throws you into a tizzy then you might as well read the rest because that is probably going to be the highlight for you. ANYWAY, I got all this food we totally didn't need but I figured might make me feel better. Plus a movie. Vang has a DVD burner and he promised if I stopped buying movies and only rented them he would burn anything I wanted. So we got Brother Bear. As far as I'm concerned this ovie didn't get enough of the Disney hype it deserved. I love this movie so much. Sydney can't deal with huge emotions. So she kept leaping from the couch and fleeing the room. ViVi and I were in tears when there was still 30mins of movie left to go. We watched evry single extra and making of feature. I need this movie. Unfortunately I don't think a bootleg copy will be good enough. Then Kristy called, (Yeah Kristy!) while we were taking the test at the end. You have to see a lot of Disney movies to know this but they put a quiz at the end of all the DVD's so you can find out which prince, princess, alien, or, in this case, totem you are. So I gave the kids and myself the test and then Kristy was forced to take the test as well. Turns out Kristy and Sydney are both creative and imaginative Salmons. I was a wolf which embodies Empathy and ViVi totally lied and gave the answers she thought I wanted to hear and was a wolf as well. I have the movie a few more days and I plan on making her take the test again. Or else I'll do it for her!

Ok so I lied and this is in no way a short post. Bu I could have narrowed it down to a short post had I wanted to.

I'm tired and we watched Brother Bear.

Didn't comfort me quite the same as the long version though.

Ps. While I was typing Thomas discovered our collection of free aol minute cd's and has been buliding forts with them. Then the girls found out they wouldn't get in trouble for playing with them and and they stole them all and and are now playing Movie Rental Store. I guess they are good for something other than building fish!

vang, thomas, sydney li, kristy, security, vi-vi

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