My Vang voted today for the first time in his life today. He is 37 years old and has been a citizen for one year. And this wonderful man put on a three piece suit to go vote for his country. He looked so handsome I ran and got the camera. When I returned he had changed into jeans and a tshirt.
He said "I respect my new president, but I need to go to work!"
I voted early this morning so Vang could stay home with the kids. It is very difficult to get three munchkins to stay quiet and well behaved for an hour in line and keep your eye on them while voting. Something horrible could happen. I could accidentally vote for Bush!
I waited as patiently as I could in line but could hardly control myself from jumping up and down in excitement. To me voting for president this year is just like Christmas Eve. Filling out my ballot . . .
"Dear Electoral College, I was a good democrat this year! Please send me John Kerry, John Edwards, Claire McCaskill . . ."
and then going to bed early hoping when I wake up they will have figured it all out and my new president is waiting for me!
I Voted... Did You?