I love that big jerk.

Sep 22, 2004 10:21

It took me the whole day to get the whole story and I am not sure how I will ever feel calm about it but I figure you were all so sweet with your concern I owe you some details.

Vang was driving on the MLK Brdige crossing from MO into IL. He was in the far right lane. One of UPS eighteen wheelers was apparently trying to cross from the second lane to the first and didn't see Vangs Nissan Maxima already in that position. The truckers front bumper connected with Vangs driver side trunk and started dragging him toward the the edge of the bridge and the railing. Apparently Vang did not notice the humongous truck pushing him and automatically assumed the car had become possesed by the devil and was attempting to JUMP off the bridge. He executed what he termed "profeesional stunt driver" moves and disconnected the two cars just narrowly missing the concrete barriers. The truck saw him when he pulled away and pulled over to check the damage. There is a hole where they collied but not really as bad as you might think. I mean the car is so old its kind of a surprise it hasn't gotten more damage. It strongly resembles the damage an errant grocery cart might cause! There was a cop almost instantly. Vang only had time to call me and tell me he had been hit by a semi before hanging up.(Leaving me dangleing and not a little panicked.) He tell the story in this totally macho way about how anyone else would have panicked and it would have gotten them killed but not him, he was cool and calm and handled it perfectly. (I was not too upset to remind him he told me he didn't even know he was hit and maybe if he had known he would have panicked like the rest of us common folk.) He also thinks it was lucky that they were in the first two lanes. In the mioddle of traffic it would have brought way more cars into play possibly a much worse accident.(Am I supposed to think it lucky that if he hit "the suicide wall" as he calls it, or worse went over into the water that it was fortunate it was only him?!?)The driver refused to give any direct information to Vang stating only his full name and license plate number. He told the police only the numbers and adresses for UPS but fully cooperated otherwise. Apparently he doesn't want to be sued personally and want UPS to be held responsible. Can't blame him for trying. We'll see how this pans out.

Vang did not go to the hospital. He did not even come how so I could see for myself he was ok. He went on to work like nothing happened. By the time he got home his neck and shoulders were pretty sore. I convinced him to call a lawyer and he did who advised him to seek medical attention asap which he swore he would. So he is doing pretty well all things considered.

I. on the other hand, am a nervous reck. I burst into tears so many times yesterday I started carrying a box of tissues with me. I was reading the kids a bedtime story when he finally came home. He came upstairs to kiss them goodnight and all I could think about was if things had happened differently I would be explaining to them why he WASN'T coming to kiss hem tonight or ever again. The girls think they have to cheer me up. I cried all day and well into the night. He tried to make me feel better by explainging if he had gone over the wall he was in the car with the broken windows. It would be easy for him to push them down with hs bare hands, climb out the window with the river water flowing in, swim to shore, climb the concrete flood walls and then calmly walk across the bridge and wiat by his car until police showed up. Certainly I was convinced and feel gobs better. Gobs.

Vang bought this horrible oinking pig at a garage sale. Its light activated to snort and grunt when the door is open so he thought the noise would alert us when Thomas forgets to close the door. I hate it. But I burst into tears and he said "Now what?" I said "I am just so glad you're here to be an asshole!"

Sydney Li had nightmares about falling. I had nightmare about the kids in full time daycare with out a mother or a father. Thomas woke up crying and came to sleep with us.

Vang slept like an angel after his two hour back rub.

Men. Can't live with 'em can't let 'em fall off a bridge.

vang, thomas, feelings, sydney li, to remember

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