I never know what to title my ramblings

Apr 21, 2004 13:57

I just got the scare of a lifetime cause I thought someone came in the front door but I'm really a loser because it was just the mailman leaving a package between the front and screen door and he probably just shifted the door in its frame making the door is really opening noise. Anyway anyone who read my earliest posts might remember that I donated to Heifer.org for Mother's Day this year. Its turning out to be the best thing I ever did. I requested a brochure so I could bring it up at the next PTO meeting? And they sent me a BOX of promotional stuff, stickers, posters, videos, even a copy of the book Beatrice's Goat which is all about a family that recieved a goat from the orginization. I love this charity! They didn't charge me shipping or anything, just free! And I loved all the different animals you can buy and the very thorough explanation of how quickly and in what ways this will benefit a family. Like I bought a goat. It will produce no less than 4 quarts of milk each day. The average family only drinks half a quart each day and the rest is enough to sell in one day to make a profit without the benefit of having a refrigerator. Plus it is used for its manuer and the families are taught how to raise the goat and use it to benefit thier environment. The goats usually give birth to twins or triplets and they have to promise to give the first born daughter away to someone in thier village. So the gift just goes on and on. They send you this sweet little card telling the person you donated for all about what will happen and how soon the goat will be recieved. I really want my school to do this. On the website they show how one elementary school raised enough in the Read to Feed program to buy goats to support an entire orphanage of AIDS children. Not just the milk and profits but the love and attention from raising animals for kids who don't recieve enough love. Then they video taped the goats arriving and sent it to the kids so they could see the good they had done. What a lesson! Plus they donate livestock to Vietnam also so even though I am not sure I can explain all this to my Mother in Law I think Banoi will understand helping another family start a new life. Ok so thats my soap box and I am off it now.


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