(no subject)

Aug 31, 2004 13:35

I just today realized I am a Strike Whore. I will wave and support anyone walking a line with a sign if they wave or hold up a sign asking for your honking support. I totally love driving by the local car dealership three of four times a day and waving to all the strikers who smile and wave so friendly like. I think it started with The supermarkets last fall and has become increasingly worse. I see them and find myself thinking "I will not patronize your store until you are happy!" But I have no freaking idea why they are striking or if its right or wrong. But they are all so sweet to stand out there all day just waiting for me to wave to them!

Anyway . . .

Both Sydney Li and Thomas started Preschool yeaterday. I have got to have those Mrs. Mary Groupies T shirts made eventually . . . But they both had excellent days that I video taped mercilessly. Teacher said Thomas did really well until circle time came and she said they were going to read a book. Thats when he looked around for me to sit down and read and finally realized I wasn't there. Someone else was going to read . . what? No one reads but Mama! Apparently this set of the inevitable domino effect where four of the six boys were in a heap crying on the floor. A random teachers aid passing in the hall heard the rucus and took the four boys (not one single girl in the class) on a wagon ride through the school until they calmed down. This to the utter dismay of Mrs. Mary because now they will think they can cry and get wagon rides whenever they please.

However the Teachers Helper Mrs. Tracy said that Thomas is very sensitive for his age with a kind soul you don't often see in boys. Apparently there are two sets of twins who are seperated intow classes and both were crying for most of class for either thier mother or thier brother to come get them and Thomas took it upon himself to kiss and hug them until they felt better . . . or cried harder. Whatever.

But Thomas only goes on Mondays and Wednesdays. He also only goes mornings. Which means several times a day several days a week he gets this pitiful look on his face and asks where his sisters are, when they're coming back and why did they leave him? He also has to be wrestled out of his (slightly girly Rugrats) backpack everytime I pick up my car keys because obviously we are always on our way to school. But how can a mama complain that her kids like school too much?

But dammit all! Three kids have started school and not one of them has shed a tear in being parted from thier mother! I am not asking for a full out tantrum of titanic proportions, just a running hug with maybe a "Please don't leave me mama!" Or "I'll miss you soo much!" NOpe. Not mine. All I get is "BYE." Like they can't get rid of me fast enough. Sniff. I gotta have more kids. I'll do better witht he next one. I'll have a Real Mama's Boy, who never wants to cut the aprone strings. One can only dream.

I got a call form ViVi's teacher yesterday also. She wanted me to know that the other Mom's who volunteered to help with class stuff recommended I be made Room Mother and be in charge of organizing and they would help me out. This is actually better than last year because I was doing all the stuff but now I get the class money to pay for it instead of my pocket. Yay! I only get to do Fall Party and Winter party, because Valentines is pretty much school work and the teacher will organize it and the End of Year Picnic which she will plan as well. Also it cannot be Haloween or Christmas inspired as it offends so many people. I learned last year it cannot include glue. I figured lots of things were to messy or too hard for kindergartners but who can't glue? Not figuring in dry time! So this year I have to plan a craft that is not holiday but only seasonal using materials either found in class or proviided by me but spedning no more than $2.50 per child using nothing that needs to dry, that can be finished before class ends by even the slowest child and does not need to be left out over night. Oh yeah and it has to hold thier attention while not getting them too excited. No problem right? Of yeah and could you make two dozen cupcakes also? Thanks.

I love the problems of a stay home Mama.

SDhe also talked to me about ViVi being advanced and how her child also has the same problems. It is so funny that every teacher ViVi has ever had has a child who has the same problems. I mean that is great because not only do they recognize it but they always have some hint on how to make it easier on ViVi. She said the other kids are having a harder time keeping up than she had hoped and she is actually going to have to cut down the lesson plans to slpow down and let them catch up. She said she would be glad to make up some harder challenges for ViVi as long as she didn't start feeling loaded down or picked on when the other kids don't have to do extra stuff like her. She gave us the list of words ViVi needs to know how to read by the end of the year, she read them all, and the words she will be tested on spelling, she can spell maybe 90% before she started studying. However, Mrs. Rushing said if ViVi wants to bring in an activity book, like word searches or crossword puzzels, or a chapter book to read during class when the other kids are working that would be no problem. And once the computer gets set up she can always go play those games as well. Anything can be eduactional, but it takes appreciation of ViVi's gifts to make it fun. Gish darn if we didn't strike gold again.

Now. Any suggestions on how I can bring all three monsters with me and get them to sit quietly by while I get sworn in as PTO Vice President tonight? Don't say hot glue them to thier chairs. They will strip naked to escape. They might just strip naked because they always wanted to be naked at school.

class parties, thomas, pto, sydney li, vi-vi, mrs.mary

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