T-ball theatrics

Jul 26, 2004 05:11

This ones going to be a quicky because I am just too tired to live. We had another T-ball game on Saturday. Next week is Sydney's last game of the season but ViVi still has three more to go. This is hard for Sydney Li to accept but it will get harder when those days actually arrive. I have mentioned already that up to this point my girls have as mush grace and skill as thier dear old mom but lately ViVi has mastered the sport beautifully. She got a good couple of hits and got three outs. The coaches son was playing first base. He is a nice boy and ViVi talks to him often. Being the coaches son he had much more experience going into the game than the other children and has shown great spirit for the game. But like I said ViVi's sudden improvement was VERY sudden and they often assume she will play like she alwasy has. So when she snatched the ball off the ground and threw it over handed with perfect position this sweet young man did what any red blooded american would do when a flaming fast ball was zooming toward first and a out for or team . . . he ducked! It whizzed right where his chest would have been and made it almost to the bleachers she threw it so hard. The whole crowd laughed like it was the funniest thing ever and the coach ran over and threw him in the air laughing at him. But my sweet and always embarassed baby automatically assumed they were all laughing at her and stood there scuffing her shoes in the dirt. Her own personal cheering section tried to perk her up with some good throw baby! and thats the way to play! which seemd to help immensly. At least thats what we thought until later in the game when she got a second chance. She leaned in good, snatched the ball off the ground struck the correct position and then paused until she had his full attention. The runner flew right passed first base and onto second while my baby girl paused to make sure he was ready for the ball this time and then gently tossed it into his hands. We didn't get any body out and it cost us "points" but no one laughed! Sydney's game was by necessity less eventful. Each team only gets one chance at bat and one chcane infield. Each child gets one turn at bat. Each child gets three prcatice hits before they run. Each child only runs one base for every ball that counts. This makes for a lot of standing around and not much action. So Sydney Li gets her three practice hits which none of them make it more than six inches from home base. Her hit that counts though makes it all the way to right field! Of course this could have been a home run but they are some how conditioned to only run one base at a time so she made it to firts and patiently stayed there until the ball could be retreived. Three practice hits and then a real one and she speeds over to second. Patiently she waits. Three prcatice hits and she pumps her little legs on to third. Pateiently she wait. Three more pratice hits and we all yell "run home aby run home!!!" But this is her last action of the day. She has played out field where she only got to catch the ball once and even then she didn't get to throw it back in. She just handed it to the coach who was stadning right next to her. And she already got her one and only time at bat. This is her last chance to have some fun! She already showed how fast she could run from home to first, first to second and second to third. For her last bas run she decided to skip tra la la la la all the way home and wait in from of home base until the coach was finished telling the hitter to run and stepped out of her way before calmly leaping into the air and landing both feet firmly on home base. Good show girls. Good show.

sydney li, vi-vi

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