Renewing the domain name reminded me about something I was going to post here ages ago and forgot about.
I've occasionally - with reasonable success - used magic to try and make sure that I either didn't miss my bus (particularly when on one bus that needs to match up with a second), or to ensure that my bus got me to work on time.
I've a nasty habit of being late, because I hate getting out of bed, and this has saved me from a disciplinary meeting once.
I've used lots of different techniques, and I've not really found anything that's worked better or worse than anything else.
So what do other people do in these kind of urban, commuter-hell, situations? What techniques have you found for making sure that the bus is early when you need it to be early, and late when you need it to be late?
And keep in mind that this is almost always being done 'on the fly', while sitting on one bus or waiting for another, so any kind of serious advanced preparation might not be practical.