May 15, 2013 00:13
Reasons to sign up for Exhibit B:
1) Because I still can?
2) I don't like the idea of all the cool kids having a party behind my back?
3) I've nothing to lose? Well, not much, anyway.
4) Almost my last chance ever to be involved in Idol!
5) ...
6) What the hell?
Reasons not to sign up for Exhibit B:
1) My technology is unreliable - it took me ages to even sign in just now
2) I am a lot busier than I was when I initially joined the idol family. Example one: I'm just starting a major new project in my church (FList - more on this later). Example two: Just yesterday I signed up for an extra dance class compared to what I was doing before.
3) I signed up to Exhibit A and then got hit with loads of unexpected busy and didn't give it nearly as much as I could have done. The same could/probably will happen again.
4) It's probably going to break my "be in bed by midnight" rule (she says, at a quarter to midnight, as she's posting this and no where near ready to sleep)
5) I don't have that much to say. Certainly not that much champion material stuff, and there are a lot of champion-material-writers that play the game.
6) Payment. Due to lack of paypal and lack of american currency (and, due to getting paid in cash, very often, a lack of funds in any kind of bank account), throwing my $5USD into the hat will be tricky. Fortunately, I know an American who is willing to sponsor me for now, but it means more hassle/co-ordination/etc.
7) It's going to make an odd number, and it's intersections week.
8) Everything has already started without me, am I going to be the lone uncool kid hanging out in the corner? It's a familiar place, but admittedly not one I like very much...
9) So much for a nice long rest to recharge my ideas batteries for Season 9, eh?
So, I'm in ;-) I'll probably only last a week or two, but we'll see. Here we goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..................!
exhibit b,
lj idol,
public entry,
declarations of intent