I'm burping all day long. Seems like my stomach has a hell lot of air.
So I went training early in the morning, first training with my new paddle! Okay, I only did 2 sets of 1KM and my battery die off after that.
Programme: 6 x 1KM, 3 x (3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off 1 on 1 off)
Dinner @ Original Sins and desserts @ ColdRock Cafe was yumyums! How I wish I can get to eat these more often. Although, both are 10 years older than me. But I always feel so stress-free and relax with hanging out with Qian Wei & Yih Su where I can laugh and talk like nobody's business.
And I miss my girliefriends.
It's a really special feeling which I can't have with any other friends of mine. A feeling which I treasure and of course, like what ongshuixian had said in her blog. - I still love the way we can stick to each other no matter how sarcastic we can get to one another.
*tanqifang not in picture* My fault for always avoiding my presence! But let's meet up soon, okay? ongshuixian, please contact me once you finish your exams. We shall go clubbing together, heh.
My pillars of support.
Note for self: Change for the better, not for others.