Recent UTs were good, at least for what I think. However, it is always too early to celebrate as my grades were always horrible. And indeed! It feels good to have plenty of time on hand. But time by time, I did not manage to overcome the laziness in me. I still studied last minute, spending hours squeezing all the brain juices all at one go and having to sleep only 3 hours. Nice one.
Having plenty of time gave me motivation for school. My remedy. And come to think about having to be late on monday lesson annoys me. I am learning to make a habit to walk to school now and I freaking reach school at 7.50 AM today. Happy siol.
On the other hand, I will make a point to start panting soon and get some heart pumping, not now. It is not the time yet. Main objective: Look like a stick, HAHA. JK ~
Check out my new hobby, shopping. Especially, with cousins and mom.
I'm still very annoyed with certain friends of mine.
And it gave me a very new definition of friends.