So Ben got the house network up and running as of about 1pm this afternoon... too bad I had to run off to work at 2 and didn't really have enough time to get on and update and what not.
We're more unpacked than the last time I updated, and we finally found the screws for my desk after an hour of searching and calling
yofar to see if she remembered (they were in one of my plastic filing cases in case you were wondering). To be honest I'm reluctnant to unpack just because it takes more energy than I'm really willing to contribute to... much of anything lately. I think I've been over working myself, or I just need to take a day trip out to the ocean and rebalance. It's rediculous how I don't let myself go once in a while. Maybe I should stop by and make an appointment for a massage. I feel a lot like a wind up toy that hasn't been allowed wind down.
So, work work work... I had Sunday off and it looks like the next day I'll have off is Moday of next week. Uhg. There is some repreive though: tomorrow is the only full day I have to work until that time, and it's at marks, and I think he's going to be gone most of the day. Woot.
Oh, before I forget to mention this. I've decided to build a desktop and use that for my main comp and use this laptop for writing and other travel purposes (after I reformat it ofcourse). So Ben is going to do the putting together and I just need to get the parts. I have an 80gig hard drive which my dad purchased last summer for my circa 2000 computer and Ben said I could use one of his video cards so that leaves me with haveing to buy the motherboard, ram, cpu and a case at absolute minimum. Looking at I could get away with spending only about $450 for a new comp.
Random Fact of the Moment: The Marine Iguanas of Galapagos fight duels by standing forehead to forehead and pushing against each other.