I am in fact getting younger.

Jun 01, 2012 07:54

my birthday is coming up on the 12th. last week I had several minutes of delightful absolute uncertainty of my age. I look forward to many more of those. I can see myself as an old man being asked my age, and saying "oh quite old by now I should expect!" with no idea at all what the actual chronological answer is. (kindly don't ask). when I turned 30, I was really really not looking forward to that day, which turned out to be a fantastic day. I've often felt if we did not know how old we were we'd all be better off, after all how can you stress about turning 30, or 40 or whatever, if you don't know how old you are? I'm not hitting some milestone number this time, but I do tend to feel I ought to have accomplished more by now. of course I've felt that way for some time. perhaps it's time I did something about that....

I have more than once rolled this notion over in my mind, and probably mentioned it before, if you could travel back in time, say 10 years, or more if you like, and offer advice to your younger self, what would you say? (and do you really think you'd listen? d: ) assuming you would, what would you say? study a foreign language, try harder, don't waste so much money on stupid shit you don't really need that will only break and collect dust later anyway? tell someone you love them? look for a better job?

take a moment, and write it down, a letter to your past self about what to do to improve your life. now read it and follow that advice. take the foreign language course, look for a better job, tell them you love them.

and now here is 6 seconds of advice from beyond the grave courtesy of Douglas Adams.

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