May 28, 2012 22:12
you know LJ, I used to see my own posts in my feed with my friend's posts, why don't I any longer? and I used to be able to scroll back forever through the friends posts feed, now I can't, is it googlechrome? d:
in other news,
the older you get, the stranger the world gets, or rather your understanding of how strange it all really is, grows, but you also get used to it. As weird as it gets, and tho I continue to be surprised, I take it in stride.
I'm always looking for a catalyst, these days, or so it feels, something to light a fire under my lazy butt and make me do all the things I tell myself I want to do. I keep not finding one, or I find one, like the George Harrison documentary, or some event in my own life, but it never lasts. as if some magic something will spur me to more productivity. lately the only thing that really spurs me to any sort of productivity is the end of the month looming, and the need to make sure I can pay my rent.
sometimes I really feel like nothing matters, and in a sense that's true, one could just stay in bed all day and the world would continue spinning, but on the other hand, I liked it better when I had just finished a new canvas, and I have an unfinished one on my easel, and several others started which I can't finish til I finish the one I owe someone.
sometimes I feel burdened by the things I know, some of which other people don't know. personal secrets, my own, and those shared, sometimes exclusively with me by others, and of course the secrets of the universe, I don't have all of those, but a few. those can be liberating as well as weigh one down like an albatross, made of lead, say.
Anyway, I think I need to accept that there's no catalyst forthcoming from the universe, it's already answered me when I asked for a sign, more than once. I'll just have to somehow muster my own oomph and push forward. :/
here are some things I've been meaning to do, or want or need to do, which I will do.
paint more, do more music (this is a large variety of things compressed into 3 words), tattoo more, make more money, study tattooing technique more (I have plenty yet to learn), eat better, exercise (bike), meditate, tidy the place, do my taxes, make a dental appointment, get my health insurance straightened out, get my van fixed (it works but has some issues), dye my beard, do some laundry and generally save the world.
righty ho, off I go.