(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 03:46

I believe one of the most entertaining things to do in live is to observe. Sometimes it can be intriguing, sometimes depressing.

People surround themselves within their own fantasy. We believe of ourselves what we wish to, even if it may be far from the truth.

What I've always wondered is, all humans have fantasies. We all have dreams, and hopes. Moreover, I believe we can all tell "Good" from "Evil".

Now take for example the average american teenager.

We've all seen movies, or read stories when we were young, where there is a kid that gets beat up, picked on, ect. This kid isnt popular, and does not have many friends. Everyone makes fun of him, shuns him. His only sin is that he was shy, his family did not have much money, or perhaps something as simple as he was a bit shorter than most kids.

As young children, we all felt bad for this kid. We wanted to be his or her friend. We wanted to help them fight against the people who would make a mockery of him. After all, deep inside, he was just like you and I, right?

So then, why do we ourselves become what we believed wrong? At what point do we lose our innocent belief that we are all human, all worthy of love?

Why do we go to school, and push others away who are not like us? Why do we make fun of nerds, call skaters scrubs or losers, think all preps are stuck up, and why do we really dislike that kid who can't afford good clothes?

Why do we believe they are so different from us?

Why do we surround ourselves in a fantasy?

There is an old saying: It is better to give than receive.

Most people look at this in a specific, liner way, objectified way. It is better to give an item than to receive one. We've all felt the joy in giving someone something they truely needed or wanted.

I believe this statement is, however, at best, misleading. I believe it is better, if not perfect, to give and receive.

If I love someone, I wish them to love me back. It is not better to give someone your love than to recieve theirs. Both are needed for you to feel whole.

And, of course, in our hearts, this is something we all know.

Why then, do we make ourselves believe this to be an untruth? How can we force ourselves to believe we can be happy only giving, or only receiving?

We've all heard the story 1000 times of the girl (or guy, but this tends to be more of a female issue) who had a boyfriend that they tricked themselves into thinking they loved. This guy ditched them for his friends, used her for sex, was rarely truely kind to her, and made her feel crappy often. But, he was perfect, and she loved him.

We all feel anger towards this girl. How could she possibly be so dumb? How can she not realize this? Why won't she listen to any of her friends who are telling her the truth of the situation she is in? Can't she see reality?

If we all lothe this girl, why are we so quick to become her? Why are we tricked by the first sight of a pretty face into believing what we have is true love?

Why do we wish to be in such a fantasy?

We, as a race, are born gifted. We are magical. Unique. We are more wonderous than any other being on the planet.

We possess the ability to rationalize, to apply logic to any given situation. If A is A, it must be A. If B is B, it is B. It is not A. What is, is. What is not, is not. Something must either exist, or not exist. There can be no other possibility. This understanding is unique to our race on this planet.

Why then, do we shun knowledge? Since when has the desire to learn, to read, to educate oneself, become uncool, and become an undesirable thing to do? How can we possibly not desire to know all we can?

How can a person live their life believing they know enough? That no one or nothing has anything to teach them?

Good enough is not enough. Yet we want to believe it is. Do we fear the truth within knowledge, or just believe it to be useless?

How can such a fantasy be tolerable?
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