holiday. is great ya know. ♥ ♥ ♥

Jun 15, 2010 21:42

MEME - Tagged by happypurinsu a month ago.

10 GREEN things that you LOVE.

Recently, I eat this everyday..? :DD
It has a sweet sour taste, just nice to my taste.

2. Morning scenery. ( can't think other suitable words -_-' )
I love to wake up in the morning and see this. It has a fresh feeling with a cold wind, who doesn't love that. It makes my mood feel better, anyway. :DD

3. Kamenashi Kazuya. lol xD
Yes, he has nothing that related with GREEN, not even his hair only that KAME -- > TURTLE --> GREEN. So, that's why. ^^
I'm just biased actually, ok.

4. Ohkura Tadayoshi.
He is the GREEN in Kanjani8. He has a sweet face and great smile too. That's all I can say. ^^

5. Clover
First time I know about clover is from Doraemon. yeah xD
I really want to see the real 4 leaf clover, idk why. ha3

Isn't it cute?

6. Pandan cake xD
I'm hungry okay~ lol

7. Dark / Army GREEN apparel
I've soft spot for this type of colour. A very bright green is a no for me I guess.
I think people who wear this colour always look cool, man or woman doesn't matter.

And that's why I love CTKTIIYOU costumes. xD

8. Vegetables. :3
They are delicious. Yea, seriously. lolz


" I don't like stuff. I like MONEY. " Is quoting Parker. 8D

USD is better. xD

10. My House. :P
Its theme is GREEN because my mother loves GREEN, so that's why.
Our home is the best place deshou..? For me, I think it is. :DD

I'm thinking to have my room in DARK RED OR GREY. Isn't it will look cool? No?

my..., meme

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