(no subject)

Mar 22, 2010 22:57


Since I started to know these 6 men, my life changed completely.
And I'm happy for these changes.

The imperfect of them are fine to me,
Even if they slack off in anything they did, etc etc.
I'm don't really mind that as I'm BIASED.

I don't know until when I'll still a fan of them.
Either I get bored of them, or there is something that can distract me COMPLETELY from them.
But, I really HOPE they will always AS THE SIX,
and I'm still one of the biggest fans of KAT-TUN.

I looked back at my old entries,
 I didn't realize that it almost 3 YEARS I'm started to addicted to Johnny's.
Especially KAT-TUN.
And the addiction is getting worse as time passes,

I'm supposed to be all hyper / happy / energetic today.  since it's KAT-TUN anniversary.
Actually I just want to find a reason to keep me being all positive for the day.
But, I'm damn tired, and kinda bitchy for no reason.
Fandom, just eat me alive. OTZ

kat-tun, je boys, anniversary, spam

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