Sep 17, 2010 21:10
Have you guys heard about that Majora's Mask Creepypasta thing? The one that's super duper spooky? I have, the last couple days, but I didn't read it, because I never played Majora's Mask, so I figured I wouldn't really get the full experience of it. But today, I figured, oh why not, it'll be good for the lulz.
As I'm reading through this undeniably spooky thing, I do get some mild chills of "Wowwwww aaa do not want," but I figure I'm doing a pretty good job of not getting too freaked out.
Until, maybe halfway through the story, as the person is going into more and more detail about how this game and their computer is haunting them and controlling their movements, my internet suddenly goes out.
I noticed because AIM suddenly shuts down and can't reconnect. Since I already had the page for the story up, I could keep reading, so, well, I did. I called to my sister to check if her internet was having a problem (we had a very time-consuming wireless issue just yesterday, it could have happened again), but hers apparently worked fine.
As I finished the story, Mom told me to walk the dog. The Alternia House is on a hill with no sidewalks and sporadic lighting. It had gotten dark while I'd been reading, and, of all things, the fog had come in.
As you might be able to tell by me posting this, I was able to get the internet back running with a little fiddling, and nothing jumped me on the walk (though we did see a raccoon). The most noteworthy was that my iPod brought up both Ghostbusters and Great Bay Shrine on the walk, but it's still a delightful little peek into why Sarah is a derp who shouldn't read ghost stories |D