
Sep 07, 2006 09:58

DC is a city of suits.

In New York, when I see a suit, I know it's most likely somebody with a whole lot of money. The New York ACLU is in the same building as Sullivan and Cromwell. People in flip-flops and jeans shorts came in the same door as people in ties and trenchcoats. Once inside, they split off - suits to the S&C elevator banks and flip flops to the ACLU elevator banks. You know a suit is a lawyer, an executive, or a finance person in NYC.

But here everybody's a suit. If I see a suit on the street it doesn't mean they're one of the "evil rich people." ;-) It can mean they work for any branch of the government. It could mean they work for any not-for-profit. They could work for the ACLU. In fact, I'M a suit here! This is my third day straight wearing not just business casual, but an honest to god SUIT.

Yesterday I attended my first House committee hearing. It was extremely interesting, particularly since it was on a topic that I'm researching - the NSA's warrantless spying. More on the warrantless spying later, if I have time. But this morning, I just missed the Senate's version of the same hearing. I missed it because I didn't realize that all hearings are at 9:30AM and 1PM here, and I mistakenly thought that since I have no idea what's going on in this city, somebody in the office would give me a head's up and bring me to the hearing.

Nope. I'm pretty much on my own in this office, and I'm expected to just hit the ground running. I can't just start out by getting my feet wet - the day I started, I was already underwater.
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